A Decade in Review (so many things!)





Pretty solid statements, no? These were my takeaway lessons from the past decade. I know I know, I’m delayed and its not really the NEW year, but its still new year through January, right? I did do the actual work at the end of 2019 and the new year, so that does count for something. I’m just getting around to sharing it.

Last year marked ten years of Anthropoloca Jewelry being in the United States and marked 20 years of my yoga practice. These two passions have grown, shifted, elevated, and transformed in so many ways, yet I find them still here with me, deeply a part of who I am whether I like it or not. In spite of last year being momentous anniversaries for said passions, I found myself drawn to deeper introspection about the fact that TEN FUCKING YEARS had gone by and all that transpired within them. I also found myself sometimes questioning “Am I really that old? How did that happen?’ but that’s beside the point. It was during this time that I received an email from Marie Forleo—one of those random inspirational life coach/authors you randomly subscribe to for freebie content then quickly unsubscribe from as soon as the goods are delivered. Thing is, I was pleasantly surprised after subscribing to her email list that I actually enjoyed her email content and videos—cheesy, real, and chock full of good information (did I mention cheesy? And she cusses on occasion, which is always a win in my book.)

Anyway , one day at the end of 2019 near Christmas, I opened my email to find one of Marie’s emails—”BEFORE YOU SAY GOODBYE TO THE 2010’s DO THIS DECADE IN REVIEW”—it seemed to scream out from the mass of some 700 odd unchecked emails. Oh I totally clicked. And I’m so glad I did; it was essentially so easy. All you need is a pen and paper (and different colored gel pens if you’re super sassy) and the willingness to carve out the time to actually do the (minimal) work required. I won’t go through all the details, you can find them here on Marie’s website. As a note, I am not paid in anyway to promote this (I only WISH I have attained such a level of internet famedom as paid sponsorships!!) But not really. Because you know what doing this exercise fully and totally revealed to me? Remember all of those badass statements at the beginning of this blog? I realized am those and so much more.

I saw how I traveled, followed my passions and my heart. I fell in love, trusted my heart, my gut, listened and began the adventure of a being a mother and wife. I became a yoga instructor and a home maker. I continued work on my jewelry and designs. We travelled as a family , bought a house, paid off student loans, stayed med free, lost my Dad (and seriously considered meds but didnt’), taught macrame in Haiti, got my husband a greencard and SO MUCH MORE. In short, I adulted the FUCK out of the 2010’s like a baller. If you do any part of this exercise—let this be it. The act of witing down all of your accomplishments big and small will elucidate to you what a badass sassy master of your life you already are (in case you didnt already know).

The 2nd portion workde on releasing ALLL DA THINGS..Whatcha need to just let go flying out the window cause it doesn’t have a place anymore. For me I was able to see more clearly the self limiting beliefs I arbitrarily imposed upon myself these past years. It is impossible to hold them up to the fire of self reflection (in list #1) and not have them burn away. As I compared the untrue stories I told myself against this phenomenally fantastic list of my accomplishments, it was like a light bulb going off. I saw I am enough, I am brave, I am creative, I am a good mother, I am a caring human being who has a voice with a wealth of experience that is unique and worth sharing.

And last, but definitely not least, was the writing of the letter to myself from my “ten years from now” self. Aka—a 48 year old Jess to the current day 38 year old Jess. And man—what do you realize? Gurrrrrl….that you already have the wisdom that you need!!! Again, the idea is not OVERTHINK. Just. Write. Here is a snippet of my letter:

“ I’m writing to let you know—you’ve got this. Sometimes, you’ll feel like you don’t. You will feel sad, depressed, out of control, frustrated, angry and like fuck-all is right. But remember—it ALWAYS changes. You need to be burnt by the fire of life sometimes to clear shit away, to learn, to grow. You are more resilient, capable, and brave than you ever know possible. …And your self doubt and fear—WOMAN—see that you are beautiful and strong and tenacious—you have everything you need to be the woman, mother and partner you want to be. Don’t you see? YOU.ARE.THAT.”

I’m telling yall—write yourself a letter to yourself from your future self (got that?) and see what inner wisdom you have laying around you didn’t even realize was there!

Anyway, I am so grateful and thankful for carving out the time and space to do these exercises—I thankful for Marie Forleo for putting out good stuff like this for free for everyone to try out and share. This “decade in reveiw” left me feeling proud, capable, and strong ready for the challenges and the adventures to come. It was a great reminder of all the things I have done right, and if you do it, I bet you will find something similar.

So here’s to an amazing year to come—2020—lets continue to grow, work, improve and play; but l#et’s not forget how far we have come and all that we have accomplished up until now. I would love to hear your thoughts on if you have tried something like this before, or if you have a ritual for bringing in your new year. As always, much thanks if you’ve gotten this far. And as always:

Rock your loca,
